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Core Christianity: Tough Questions Answered

Why God Cares About What You Tweet

by R. C. Sproul posted September 9, 2019

In this clip from a lecture by R. C. Sproul, we learn that God's holy standard is for our words as well as our actions. How we use our mouths matters to God. Watch the video to learn more.  

We are comfortable with our imperfection. We judge ourselves by each other…But we are quick to excuse ourselves because we look around and we can always find somebody who is more depraved than we are (at least on the surface)… And so we find a way to excuse ourselves and to flatter ourselves until we see the standard. And when that happens we are undone, as Isaiah was undone when he saw pure holiness. He understood what it was that he wasn't. He couldn't stand it and he's on his face and he's screaming out in pain and he's saying,“Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty!” I wonder why it went to his mouth…If Jesus of Nazareth taught anything, he taught repeatedly that some day, every human being would be called before the Tribunal of God and give an account to the Creator of Heaven and Earth and Jesus says that on that day, every idle word that we have ever spoken will be brought into the judgment.

Photo of R. C. Sproul

R. C. Sproul

Dr. R.C. Sproul was the founder of Ligonier Ministries, founding pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., and first president of Reformation Bible College. He was author of more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of God.

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