The Trinity
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3 Reasons to Study the Trinity
The Trinity is hard to understand and even harder to explain to others, so we tend to spend little time thinking or talking about it. As we meditate on the reality that our God is triune, we should be moved to worship God for who he is.
5 Myths about the Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity is for everybody who is saved by Jesus. Or, to say that just a little more elaborately, it’s for everybody who has been drawn to the Father through faith in the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Did God Die on Good Friday?
The centerpiece of Good Friday is the cross of Jesus Christ. On the Friday before Easter, Jesus was crucified and died. This creates a dilemma in the mind of some. If Jesus is God, how could he die? After all, God cannot change (Mal. 3:6), so how are we to make sense of Jesus’ death? Was it real?
Who Is the Creator, God the Son or God the Father?
Episode 340 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions about Jesus relation to creation, what Isaiah meant when he referred to Jesus as the “everlasting Father,” justification by faith, Isaiah 55:11, and what it means that mankind will judge angels.
How Is the Holy Spirit Different from the Father and the Son?
The persons of the Trinity are not the building blocks that combine to form God, they are each God.
Why It’s Important for Christians to Understand the Trinity
Episode 48 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions on the importance of the Trinity, advice to those new to the faith, and if Christianity is mainly about us following Jesus.
How Great (and Gentle) is our God!
Let’s turn from media headlines to biblical headlines in order to correct our worldview and continue through 2018 in a more peaceful and trusting spirit. The prophet Isaiah knew that tough times lay ahead for God’s people.
Our Confusion About God
Of all the doctrines of the Christian faith honored in name and neglected in practice by evangelicals, the Trinity probably has no rival. Ask any evangelical if he believes in the Trinity, and you will almost certainly receive a strongly affirmative answer. Ask what difference the doctrine makes, and you might well be greeted by embarrassing silence
An Interview with J.I. Packer: Should Every Christian Study Theology?
Theology simply means the study of God. This is something that every Christian needs to realize.
Is God Necessary in My Life?
Most people go through life without having given any thought to God. Why would they? The day seemed to go quite well without Him. Why would anyone think God is necessary for their life?
Why Does the Trinity Matter?
As you come to know God, you come to know the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.