Attributes of God
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How Can God Be Just, Merciful, and Good?
Is God In Control or Is the World Subject to the Evil One?
Episode 463 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about attending church after COVID-19, understanding Elijah's connection to John the Baptist, praying imprecatory Psalms, and understanding Satan's power in the world.
How God Deals with His Tattered and Soiled Children
People use clothing to fit in, to attract others, and even to express their personal identities. Yet, at its most basic level, clothing is the means by which people attempt to cover up their most vulnerable parts.
How to Understand God’s Sovereignty
Will God Really Use All Things for Your Good?
Does God Honor the Good Thoughts of Non-Believers?
Episode 308 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions about the proper way to take the Lord's Supper, whether God honors the good thoughts on non-believers, the difference between excusing sin and showing grace, why God tells Jeremiah that he will not listen when his people call for him, and how to get back to the teachings of the early church.
Does God Love Some People More Than Others?
Episode 270 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions about God's love, wisdom and trusting the Lord’s provision in having kids, and doubt.
The One Attribute of God That Is Emphasized in the Bible
Many words are used to describe God, but there's only one that is repeated in succession when the Bible describes God.