A production of Sola Media
Core Christianity: Tough Questions Answered

Was Jesus Saved by Faith?

aired February 13, 2020

Episode 379 Show Notes 

From the Show

It's true that Jesus had faith in his Father's plan and mission but he was actually justified by his works. He was justified by his obedience. He was declared righteous because he was righteous. He did everything the Father told him to do. He fulfilled everything the Father set before him. He was saved by works so that we could be saved in him by grace alone, through faith alone, in him alone. And that’s the Gospel 

—Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. I believe that in every age, Christians have had blind spots. What do you think are some potential blind spots in our age?

2. Can a person reject God’s grace or walk away after receiving God’s grace?

3. I had a theology professor say that it can't be disputed the way someone interprets Scripture specifically when the Bible speaks about man to man relationships and how God abhors those and how some people interpret that to mean pedophilia rather than homosexuality. Are we supposed to correct our brothers on that note?

4. Does God really work all things together for good? I know that the bible says that, and maybe I just need some reassurance but there are things I have experienced that I can’t imagine God using for good.

5. I heard a Sunday School teacher make the point that Jesus saved by faith. This sounds wrong to me but I’m not sure why. Can you please give me your thoughts?


10 Things You Need to Know about the Bible and Homosexuality by Michael Horton

The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Good News People in a Bad News World by Michael Horton


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