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Core Christianity: Tough Questions Answered

Is Being “Slain in the Spirit” Biblical?

host Adriel Sanchez aired October 8, 2021

Episode 811 Show Notes 

From the Show

I have heard of things like holy laughter, barking, and being drunk in the Spirit, but Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14 that everything should be done in decent order.

Adriel Sanchez

Is Being “Slain in the Spirit” Biblical?

Questions in this Episode

  1. When we die are we conscious that we are in heaven, or are we unconscious until the resurrection?
  2. Is being slain in the spirit biblical?
  3. My mom is a Roman Catholic and has been trying to follow every prescription of that tradition. I am curious what your take on this is. I am sure she is saved. But what do you think of someone following these practices who is trying to get into heaven?
  4. My son is an adult who is living at home and he sometimes stays the night at his girlfriend’s house. We don’t want to create a rift in our relationship with him, or have him think we’re overstepping our bounds as parents, but what should we do in this situation?
  5. Do the Desert Mothers and Fathers have any place in our Protestant theology? I have heard them spoken of recently by Catholics and evangelicals.
  6. Can God not go where he is not invited?

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Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story by Dr. Michael Horton

Photo of Adriel Sanchez

Adriel Sanchez

Adriel Sanchez is pastor of North Park Presbyterian Church, a congregation in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). In addition to his pastoral responsibilities, he also serves the broader church as a host on the Core Christianity radio program, a live, daily call-in talk show where he answers listeners' questions about the Bible and the Christian faith. He and his wife Ysabel live in San Diego with their five children.

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