Episode 811 Show Notes
From the Show
I have heard of things like holy laughter, barking, and being drunk in the Spirit, but Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14 that everything should be done in decent order.
–Adriel Sanchez
Questions in this Episode
- When we die are we conscious that we are in heaven, or are we unconscious until the resurrection?
- Is being slain in the spirit biblical?
- My mom is a Roman Catholic and has been trying to follow every prescription of that tradition. I am curious what your take on this is. I am sure she is saved. But what do you think of someone following these practices who is trying to get into heaven?
- My son is an adult who is living at home and he sometimes stays the night at his girlfriend’s house. We don’t want to create a rift in our relationship with him, or have him think we’re overstepping our bounds as parents, but what should we do in this situation?
- Do the Desert Mothers and Fathers have any place in our Protestant theology? I have heard them spoken of recently by Catholics and evangelicals.
- Can God not go where he is not invited?
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