A production of Sola Media
Core Christianity: Tough Questions Answered

How Does the Holy Spirit Help Us?

aired September 11, 2018

Episode 7 Show Notes

From the Show

Like any parent God loves it when we cry out to him. It acknowledges that he alone is sovereign and good and wise. He can change things and even if he doesn’t, he can change us. He can show how even in the darkness, he is our light. And in the despair that he is our salvation. So when Paul tells us in Philippians 4 “rejoice in the Lord always.” He’s not saying be like the Stepford Wives. He’s not saying be a stoic. Don’t worry be happy. Put a smile on your face. After all he says in the next verses that instead of stewing in our anxieties we should “make our request known to the Lord.” But Paul was also convinced that even if we can’t rejoice because of suffering, we can rejoice in God in the midst of suffering. Because as he says in verse seven of Philippians 4, “we have peace with God” and “the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” —Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. What does the Bible say about a Christian getting cosmetic surgery?

2. How does the Holy Spirit help us? I’m thinking about verses like John 14:15 – 17 where it talks about the Holy Spirit as our helper.

3. How should we understand Psalm 88 since it doesn’t have any element of thanksgiving or praise? This seems so contrary to the New Testaments call to rejoice in the Lord always.

4. If Jesus was God, how could Jesus really die?

5. Matthew 7:1 Jesus says, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” What did he mean by that?

6. I have a question about 1 Corinthians 12:21–26 where it talks about the weaker parts of the body of Christ being indispensable. Can you expand on that?


What does the Spirit Do Today?

6 Things the Spirit Does Today

Who Am I to Judge?

Should Christians Pray for God to Judge Their Enemies?

The Freedom God Is Giving You Today

When Your Christian Liberty Becomes a Sin



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