Episode 155 Show Notes
How Could a Loving God Command the Mass Slaughter of People?
From the Show
How can a loving God command the slaughter of people in the Old Testament?
The good news is that God wasn't just teaching wrath and judgment in the Old Testament, he was also teaching mercy and grace, pointing forward to Jesus Christ, the ark of salvation. And the New Testament isn't just all fun and games, it's not all love and mercy. More than anyone in the whole Bible, it's from the lips of Jesus that we hear the most about the severity and horrors of hell. We learn more from Jesus about hell than we do anyone else. And in the book of Revelation, Jesus is not a kinder-gentler-Joshua, Jesus is carrying out a cleansing of the whole earth. — Michael Horton
Questions in this Episode
1. Why does God only save some if he has the desire and the power to save all?
2. How many victories do we need to have in our walk to be considered "conquerors"?
3. How do you explain why God commanded the slaughter of people in the Old Testament? How can such a God be loving? Wouldn’t a loving God forgive sins like Jesus does in the New Testament?
4. Is church membership a Biblical practice?
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