Episode 520 Show Notes
From the Show
The real Christian faith is never to be weaponized! Christ was crucified on the cross. Christianity isn’t coercive. We aren’t coercing people to love God and obey his rules. No, what woos us, what draws us to the Christian faith, is the love and kindness of God. It’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. That’s what you want to emphasize. The love that God has and the fact that Jesus can identify with those who have been in abusive, spiritual situations. I mean, talk about being abused at the hands of religious people, religious leaders–if anyone knows what that’s like, it’s Jesus.
–Adriel Sanchez
Questions in this Episode
1. What does Jesus mean in John 3:5 when he says that “unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God,”or Peter when he says baptism “now saves us”in 1 Peter 3:21? It sounds like Jesus is saying water baptism is necessary for receiving the promise of salvation. I guess what I’m wondering is, if we are baptized and sealed by the Holy Spirit the moment we believe in Christ for our salvation (Ephesians 1:13—14), why is water baptism necessary?
2. How do I respond to sexual dreams that seem to happen somewhat regularly? I feel as if I have no control over it as I sleep and when I wake up I just feel guilty.
3. How do you share the gospel with someone who grew up in a Christian home but turned away from the faith due to a parent using Christianity as a weapon against them?
4. We often talk about heaven as a place where there is no sadness, no shame, and no pain. And we talk about our sin as something we can take to Jesus now, and he bears our burden. So I’m wondering, on the day of judgment, when we are held accountable for our actions on earth, will we feel shame and guilt?
5. What does Jesus mean in Matthew 11:12 that “the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force”? How can violence come into God’s kingdom? Why would God allow it to be taken by force?
A Place for Weakness: Preparing Yourself for Suffering by Michael Horton
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