David Murray
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We’re All Writing the Stories of Our Lives, but We’re All Failed Authors
11 Practical Ways to Reduce Digital Consumption
I am convinced–from scientific research, from personal experience, and from counseling teens–that any attempt to replace anxiety...
Help! My Teen Is Struggling with Anxiety
After many months of battling anxiety, Pam had taken an overdose of pain medication and was rushed to hospital. Thankfully it wasn't a fatal dose, and the next day she was transferred to a mental health unit for teens.
Help! I’m Struggling to Strike a Work/Life Balance
The holy grail of modern life is to achieve work/life balance. But despite millions of ‘new decade resolutions’ to that effect, the vast majority will fail miserably in 2020, making this year as miserable as last year for themselves and for those around them.
8 Bible Reading Habits to Establish as a Young Person
There were years when I didn’t read my Bible at all. Sometimes, I would do it on and off, a few days then stop, a few weeks then stop. Other times I would do it legalistically, thinking that I had to read a certain number of verses every day to keep on God’s good side.
9 Ways to Guard Your Personal Relationship with God
Like all healthy and satisfying relationships, our relationship with God needs time and energy...
8 Ways to Help Depressed Christians
Many of us struggle with what to do when someone we know is depressed but fear, confusion, or misunderstanding prevents us from helping. So, let me suggest eight guidelines for helping depressed people.
A Plea for Holistic Christianity
What does it mean to have a healthy and holistic Christian life?
6 Tips for Reading the Bible with Your Kids
What's the best way to get your kids reading the Bible?