The Sovereignty of God Over 2020
“God has a plan.”Has anyone ever said that to you? Perhaps something didn't work out the way you wanted, and someone told you...
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“God has a plan.”Has anyone ever said that to you? Perhaps something didn't work out the way you wanted, and someone told you...
In the 17th century the Japanese government ruthlessly persecuted Christians. They imprisoned believers and used torture techniques such as hanging people upside down over pits filled with excrement. Some believers were crucified. The goal was...
“Material things are so vulnerable to the humiliation of decay,”writes Marilynne Robinson in her novel Gilead. These are profoundly true words which hit home when we remember...
As a teacher at a K-12 school, I have seen firsthand some of the unique challenges, struggles, and anxieties that faculty, parents, and students face this year. Whether a school opens in person, stays entirely virtual, or runs a hybrid model...
If you are like me you may be thinking that Jesus’ love, humility, and standard of service are impossible to live up to. If so you are right!
The Trinity is hard to understand and even harder to explain to others, so we tend to spend little time thinking or talking about it. As we meditate on the reality that our God is triune, we should be moved to worship God for who he is.
“You can be good without God.” On one level I understood and could even affirm what the slogan said. Not all atheists are liars, thieves, and murderers. But on a deeper level, the slogan undermines itself.
As COVID-19 sweeps the globe, we are witnessing shopping habits that are at best amusing and at worst alarming. From hoarding toilet paper to yelling at and fighting with other shoppers, one thing is clear: many people are afraid.
In ages past the world was full of mystery and magic. The universe was so vast, diverse, and intricate that no human individual or society could explain how it all worked.
Because of who Christ is, the resurrection is an event, unlike any other in history, which has the power to fundamentally change us because it gives a new identity, purpose, and hope.
The more empty and hollow we feel inside, the stronger the guards we place to keep others from finding out who we really are.
As we read the pages of the Bible we discover a plan that is far greater and more inspiring than any other. God has big plans that ought to stir our blood!